DEcision Science desIGN platform for digItal Twins
DESIGN-IT is a research project funded by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, aimed at developing a Decision Science Design Platform. This platform aims to construct and manage, through a low-code approach, Digital Twins of products and processes, as well as a pipeline of Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Mission & Vision
AI for Industry 4.0
The Design-IT project aims to develop a Decision Science Design Platform oriented towards fostering the transition to Industry 4.0 and facilitating the adoption of sustainable and circular practices. The goal is to build a platform for the design, development, deployment, and operation of Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence algorithm pipelines, tailored for industry experts who may not necessarily be software developers.

Low-code Platform
Low-code programming allows designing, configuring, deploying, and operating IT solutions without necessarily requiring expertise in software development.

Digital Twin
A Digital Twin is a virtual model designed to accurately mirror a physical object or process. DESIGN-IT aims to integrate within a single framework the specifics of discrete event simulation techniques, kinematic simulation, mathematical-physical analysis of material behavior (i.e., FEM method), and machine learning.

IA Algorithms
The project aims to develop modules of Artificial Intelligence that will be available within the Decision Science Design Platform.
The main objective of the project, well summarized by the diagram below, is the prototyping of a DSDP that enables:

Multi-level Digital Twins
Building multi-level Digital Twins, encompassing both product/component and process levels.

AI Services
Providing Digital Twins, and therefore their real counterparts, with Artificial Intelligence services aimed at optimizing their design and/or operation.

Construction of AI-based applications
Empowering non-software-expert users to utilize Digital Twins and construct AI-based applications.

Data for the experts
Building and managing an intuitive and easily interpretable data storage and management layer for industry experts.

Human-machine collaboration
Increasing adoption and enhancing human-machine collaboration through the use of explainable, reliable, and robust AI techniques.

“DESIGN-IT is a research project funded by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy under Mission 4 (Education and research), Component 2 (From research to enterprise). The project (protocol number 69, Public Notice Innovation Agreements DM 31/12/2021 – I sportello)”
Topic: Low-code, Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence |
Coordinator: Spindox Spa |
Start: January 2023 |
End: December 2025 |
Budget: 5.392.557,50 € |
PNRR Funds: The DESIGN-IT project, focused on artificial intelligence and “digital twin,” has been formally approved by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy. A contribution exceeding 2.6 million euros will be granted over three years.
The DESIGN-IT project, led by Spindox as the principal contractor, has received formal approval from the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT) to access funds outlined in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Costs exceeding 2.6 million euros...